On-premises voice and telephony solution
Skype for Business Server 2019This is a perpetual licence for on-premises deployment of Skype for Business Server 2019, now available to purchase on CSP.
Microsoft Skype for Business Server 2019 provides instant messaging, presence integration, audio, video and web conferencing, and enterprise voice and telephony.
Enjoy the benefits of new features like Cloud Voicemail, Call Data Connector and Side-by-side migration with Skype for Business Server 2019
Cloud voicemail enables all your Skype for Business 2019 users – whether on-premises or online – to access the same voicemail service in the Microsoft Cloud. They can access their voicemail n their Exchange mailbox using Skype for Business Online, Teams or Outlook clients. They can also use the web-based portal to manage their voicemail options.
Call Data Connector simplifies call monitoring in a hybrid environment. It allows you to use one toolset to monitor all of your users’ call qualities. You can monitor user experience across Microsoft Teams, Skype for Business Online and Skype for Business Server. You can view and troubleshoot problems across your network and assign helpdesk and administrator roles for Call Analytics.
Skype for Business Server Standard CAL 2019Instant messaging and presence integration functionality.
Skype for Business Server Plus CAL 2019Purchase this in addition to Standard if you require Enterprise Voice and telephony.
Skype for Business Server Enterprise CAL 2019Purchase this in addition to Standard if you require audio, video and web conferencing.